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Mission Statements - Multi-Department Input

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2024

Why Employees (from all departments) Should Create Mission Statements

In many instances, mission and vision statements are created within higher levels of an organization – board, C-Suite, marketing agencies, and legal departments -  and distributed to the employee population through a top-down process. Involving employees from all departments and different levels in the creation of mission statements, vision statements, and values is crucial for several reasons:

Increased buy-in and ownership: When employees feel like they had a say in shaping the organization's guiding principles, they are more likely to feel invested in them and committed to upholding them. This can lead to greater engagement, morale, and productivity.

Diverse perspectives: Different departments and levels bring different experiences and viewpoints to the table. This leads to richer, more nuanced statements that accurately reflect the organization as a whole, rather than just the perspective of management.

Improved understanding: Participating in the creation process helps employees understand the meaning and purpose of the statements. This clarity can guide their decision-making and actions, aligning them with the organization's overall goals.

Enhanced innovation and problem-solving: When employees feel empowered to share their ideas and perspectives, it can lead to more creative solutions to challenges and opportunities. This is particularly relevant in today's rapidly changing business environment.

Stronger organizational culture: A shared set of values and goals helps to create a sense of unity and purpose within an organization. This can foster collaboration, trust, and respect among employees, leading to a stronger and more positive culture.

Here are some additional benefits of involving employees in the creation process:

  • Identification of potential challenges: Employees from different departments may be able to identify potential challenges with the proposed statements that management might not have considered.
  • Improved communication: The process of creating the statements can help to improve communication between different levels and departments.
  • Greater transparency: Involving employees in the process can demonstrate a commitment to transparency and open communication, which can build trust and respect.

Of course, there are also some challenges to consider when involving employees in this process. It is important to ensure that the process is well-managed and that all voices are heard and respected. The retreat should be facilitated by an outside, independent business strategist and coach to ensure the absence of bias, intimidation, or hesitancy. Additionally, at the outset, it is important to be clear about the goals of the process and the desired outcomes.

Overall, the benefits of involving employees in the creation of mission statements, vision statements, and values far outweigh the challenges. By fostering a sense of ownership and engagement, these statements can become powerful tools for guiding organizational success.

Fred Reggie is a Business Strategist and Coach specializing in Service Culture Development, Leadership, and Communication. He facilitates successful workshops and retreats to elevate client brands.You can contact Fred through Email , connect on LInkedIn, or schedule a call to discuss how your company Service Culture measures up.