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Looking To Be Hired? Forget the Elevator Pitch: Showcase Your Problem-Solving Prowess to Land the Job

Job applicants, ditch the polished elevator pitch (for now)! Don't get me wrong, it's valuable, but in today's competitive job market, demonstrating how you tackle challenges holds even greater weight. Employers crave problem-solvers, innovators, and critical thinkers – individuals who can navigate hurdles and adapt to fast-paced environments. So, how do you prove you're the "solution superhero" they're looking for? 

Step away from the mirror and step into the action: 

    • Focus on the journey, not the destination: Forget crafting the perfect 30-second summary of your skills. Instead, delve into specific situations where you encountered an obstacle. Describe the context, your thought process, the steps you took, and the impact of your actions. This narrative approach showcases your analytical thinking, resourcefulness, and ability to overcome obstacles. 
    • Embrace the messy middle:...
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